Setup a development enviroment

This document is a guide to install an enviroment to contribute to the development of Sur library. It’s fully based on modern Ubuntu Linux distributions (particularly Ubuntu 15.10) but should be straight forward follow this on any other linux distribution.

Install system packages

  1. Install system packages:

    $ sudo apt-get install git python-dev python-pip wine gfortran \
                          g++ libfreetype6-dev libpng12-dev xclip
    $ sudo pip install virtualenvwrapper


To code, of course you’ll also need an editor. Could be anyone you prefer! Some people prefers simple ones like gedit (installed by default) or geany. Some other prefers something more geeky like vim or even more complete tools like pydev or ninja-ide.

Make a virtual enviroment

We use virtualenv (using virtualenvwrapper) to isolate our enviroment for other projects and system-wide python packages

  1. Setup virtualenvwrapper

    2.1 Create a directory to hold your virtualenvs:

    mkdir ~/.virtualenvs
    mkdir ~/projects
    mkdir ~/.pip_download_cache

    2.2 Edit you ~/.bashrc adding these lines:

    export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs
    source /usr/local/bin/
    export PROJECT_HOME=$HOME/projects      #folder for new projects. Could be what you want

2.3 And reload that:

$ source ~/.bashrc
  1. Now create the project sur:

    $ mkproject sur
This will create a new virtualenv in the WORKON_HOME binded to a project directory in PROJECT_HOME


Next times, when you want to active the sur’s virtualenv you’ll run:

$ workon sur

When you want to deactive the virtualenv, on any path

(sur)~/projects/sur$ deactivate

Checkout the code

sur’s git repo isn’t public, so you need to have credentials to read and/or write it. Please if you don’t have a Bitbucket account, create one:

  1. Go to and sign up

  2. Let me know ( your username and ask for dev permissions on Sur. If you don’t have an user on bitbucket also let me know first. I’ll send and invitation

  3. Setup a ssh-key

    $ ssh-keygen
    $ xclip -sel clip < ~/.ssh/
    and paste this on<your_userr>/ssh-keys/
  4. Then we go:

    (sur)~/projects/sur$ git clone .
    (sur)~/projects/sur$ git checkout develop
  5. Remember to configure your identity (so, your future great code will be recognized):

    (sur)$ git config --global "Juan Perez"
    (sur)$ git config --global

Install in dev mode

(sur)~/projects/sur$ pip install -U numpy pip jupyter nose (sur)~/projects/sur$ pip install -e .


The flag -e on the last command means this package will be editable. Every change on the code of Sur will impact automatically. It’s the same than python develop

Then check if it was installed:

(sur) $ ipython

In [1]: import sur    # may take few seconds to load

Run tests:

(sur) $ nosetests

And open an example notebook for lib usage:

(sur) $ jupyter notebook examples/basic_envelope.ipynb

¡Happy coding!